[WWW8 logo] Second Workshop on Adaptive Systems and User Modeling on the World Wide Web
[UM'99 logo]
8th International Word Wide Web Conference
Toronto, Canada, May 11-14, 1999

7-th International Conference on User Modeling
Banff, Canada, June 20-24, 1999

Schedule for the UM'99 Session

June 23, 1999, Conference Venue, MB 253




Session 1: Educational applications

Nicola Henze, Wolfgang Nejdl: Adaptivity in the KBS Hyperbook System

Marcus Specht, Alfred Kobsa: Interaction of domain expertise and interface design in adaptive educational hypermedia


Coffee Break and Demo Session


Session 2: Information Filtering

Mauro Marinilli, Alessandro Micarelli and Filippo Sciarrone: A Case-Based Approach to Adaptive Information Filtering for the WWW

Anna Stefani and Carlo Strapparava: Exploiting NLP techniques to build user model for Web sites: the use of WordNet in SiteIF Project

June 24, 1999, PDC Petro Canada Meeting Room #104


Breakfast served, informal discussion


Session 3: E-News and E-commerse

Liliana Ardissono, Luca Console, Ilaria Torre: Exploiting user models for personalizing news presentations

Johan Åberg and Nahid Shahmehri: Web Assistants: Towards an Intelligent and Personal Web Shop


Coffee Break


Session 4: Information systems and closing discussion

Peter Brusilovsky, David W. Cooper: ADAPTS: Adaptive hypermedia for a Web-based performance support system

S. Garlatti, S. Iksal, P. Kervella: Adaptive On-Line Information System by means of a Task Model and Spatial Views